Tuesday, August 17, 2010

It's been a while!!!

Gosh, where to begin...
First off, WE ARE HAVING A BABY! We found out in late May that we were going to be adding a little one to our family in February. We are really excited! June and July were busy with taking pictures, playing with my nephew and getting ready to move. So now, we are in Florida and although it's tough being away from our family and friends, we love it.

It's so hard to believe, but Westin is almost ONE! Before I left I was able to get a few of him and his mommy. Aren't those the most beautiful eyes?

Here is another set of familiar faces. Before I left I took pictures of two of my best friends and their kids. I can't believe they are growing this fast!


Scott and Brandi were so much fun. They were married near downtown Rolla so after they got ready we went for a walk. I love this kind of photography! We found a couple of alleys to get a few really cool shots. They were both so easy going the whole day and they really were so happy to get married. 


Just a few days after the Pruitt wedding I got to go visit an old friend. Ashley used to come down in the summers to stay with her grandma who lived close to our house so we spent a lot of time together when we were kids. Now she has a husband and two beautiful children. These pictures were taken on their family farms.